Good afternoon. This is my first gamejam.  Wish me luck!

The backstory:

You are a fallen captain whose spirit has not rested. Having made a pact with Satan himself in the other world, you return to the world of the living and receive the cursed bones. By throwing them, you can get a new ship, gun and crew. Or you could lose everything. Take revenge on your enemies and defeat them in the Battle of Boron!


The game works based on the "Ship, captain, crew" rules. You roll 5 dice. You must roll 6, 5 and 4 in order (new ship, cannon, extra health). The dice can be rolled 3 times. At the end of the turn you go out to sea where you fight your enemies. The dice remaining after the turn become your cannon shells.


  • Left mouse button - Interact with objects. 
  • Problem - Roll the dice.

Made withGodot
Tags2D, Pirates, Pixel Art


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Outstanding job for your first jam. Very well put. Loved it